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Your growth.
Our expertise.

Hubly's customizable onboarding and support packages make it easy to work the way you want to work.

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Flexible support to meet you where you are — and get you where you want to go

Customer Support quote from Meghan Rutherford

Hubly Onboarding to Meet your Firm's Needs

When you transition to Hubly, we ensure that we get your team up and running seamlessly. Your firm will be onboarded by our dedicated and knowledgeable team with a focused approach based on the specific needs of your advisory firm.

Quick response times and live support

Help from a Hubly expert is available within minutes. We are here every step of the way to provide live human support, and ensure your team gets up and running as smoothly as possible. We even provide one-on-one coaching with workflow experts.

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Onboarding and support from industry experts

You’ll be taught by Hubly workflow experts with financial industry experience — many of our trainers were once Hubly customers themselves! They’ve walked the walk and have the in-depth knowledge to set Hubly up in a way that makes sense for your firm.

Hubly customer support team

Focus on the bottom line

We want you to see a strong, immediate ROI from adopting Hubly; in your first 30 days on the platform, we’ll set your team up for efficiency with a focus on both ‘low-hanging fruit’ — immediate, actionable improvements — and bigger changes that take longer to implement.

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Customer quote on Hubly ROI

Workflow customization and personalized automations

Set Hubly up to meet your firm's unique needs thanks to our customizable and flexible workflow capabilities. Give your workflows an extra efficiency boost with our time-saving automations.

Hand and cog demonstrating customization
Matthew Ridgeline Financial Review
How long does onboarding take?

Within your first 30 days in Hubly, you can expect to have your Hub and all team members activated, at least one of your firm’s priority processes fully built out, and clients in active workflows. Many teams will launch multiple processes in their first 30 days, depending on team structure and the project plan for launch. 

Do I have to build processes from scratch?

No! On day one, you’ll have access to over 10 different best-practice processes and 100 workflows through Hubly’s template library. We will work with you to determine which are relevant for your business, and which processes you would like to prioritize in your onboarding. 

Does my whole firm need to attend training? 

Our recommendation is to have your team lead(s) attend all training. Other team members can be included in the topic specific trainings or office hours that are relevant to their roles.

Can I bring some of my current workflows into Hubly? 

Many firms come to us with existing workflows they have built in other systems. During our kickoff meeting, our team will determine the best course of action to migrate these workflows into Hubly. 

Do we have access to support post-onboarding?  

Yes, our Hubly Customer Support team is here for you throughout your journey. We have many options when it comes to ongoing support, including: in-app chat support with our live team, 1:1 office hours with a workflow expert, or Hub review calls to check-in at periodic intervals. 

What if I have more questions?

We'd love to help. You can contact us at hello@myhubly.com or you can schedule a Strategy Call with our team.

We will get back to you during regular business hours.